Title of Position: Part-Time Youth Minister (15-24 hours/week; negotiable)
Salary: $24,000
Mission Statement: Know Jesus and Make Him Known
Leadership Statement: Leadership is a relational influence, achieved by walking alongside members to equip them to take on Christ’s character and fulfill His mission.
Philosophy of Ministry: Staff-Led Elder Oversight--The staff creates the ministry plan with elder approval. Staff implements plan with accountability to the eldership for evaluation of progress, readjustments, or assistance.
Purpose of Position: The Part-Time Youth Director equips students to know Jesus and make Him known by helping them reach the unchurched students around them.
Reports to: Lead Pastor and accountable to NTCC eldership; Collaborates closely with Family Life Pastor.
Responsible for: Youth Ministry Team (volunteers and sponsors with Youth/Children’s ministry)
- Oversees the planning, execution, and follow-up of weekly youth group time
- Trains and develops volunteers for youth ministry
- Plans and participates in special events for the Jr./Sr. High youth (i.e. camps, conferences, and mission trips)
- Plans and participates in the children's ministry to develop relationships with future youth group students
- Plans and coordinates RISE services once a month
- Personal spiritual growth
- Active discipleship
- Ability to organize
- Management and development of volunteers and students
- Cooperative spirit (flexible, friendly, and dependable)
- Willingness/ability to prioritize relationships over activities
- Spiritual maturity
- Commitment to connect families to the church to empower parents to take responsibility for spiritually equipping their students
Please send resumes to: [email protected]
Applications due by Mar 10, 2025.