Preaching Minister

Downing Christian Church

Downing, MO

Senior Leadership

Downing Christian Church

The role of the Preaching Minister for the Downing Christian Church is modeled after the work given to Timothy and Titus (described especially in 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus).


  1. The central task of the preaching minister is to preach and teach the word of God. His first priority rests in accomplishing this central task.
    • This is in keeping with the heavy emphasis found in 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus on preaching, teaching, reproving, and correcting from the word of God.
    • This work includes preaching during each Sunday morning service and preaching and/or teaching during each Sunday evening service. It also may include such activities as teaching Sunday School class, teaching a small group, teaching one-on-one studies with individuals, and teaching in other settings (adults or youth).
    • Preaching and teaching during the Sunday morning and evening services are required of the preaching minister with the exception of those times covered by special assignment, missionary speakers), or special programs approved by the Elders. Teaching in other settings may be done as needed by the church.
    • When the preaching minister is absent on a Sunday (due to illness, vacation, or other scheduled events) he will work with the Elders to ensure that his responsibilities are filled. The preaching minister must be a disciple-maker in accordance with the mandate given by Jesus in the Great Commission.
  2. The preaching minister must strive to equip the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12).
  3. In order to faithfully accomplish the work of preaching and teaching, the preaching minister is expected to maintain a continual study of God's Word keeping regular hours in his study for this purpose.

Pastoral Work

  1. The preaching minister is expected to spend time in prayer on behalf of the church.
  2. The preaching minister shall assist the elders in providing oversight of the pastoral work of the church.
    • He shall communicate pastoral needs to the elders and assist them in the work of shepherding as needed and as his time permits.
    • The preaching minister shall be involved in the following activities as his time permits:
      • visiting in the homes of those who are non-Christians,
      • visiting in the homes of the members of the church,
      • visiting members who are in the nursing home,
      • sitting with family members during surgeries,
      • visiting those who are sick.

      Please send resume and cover letter to:  [email protected]

      Downing Christian Church

      • Location

        Downing, MO

      • Church Affliation

        Independent Christian Church / Church of Christ