Lead Pastor

Kansas Christian Church

Kansas, IL

Senior Leadership

We are in search of a pastor who possesses the qualities and vision to guide us on the next phase of our spiritual journey. As a congregation, we are committed to growth, both individually and collectively, and we believe that the right leader can inspire and empower us to reach new heights in our faith.

We are seeking a pastor who meets the following qualifications:

Has fallen in love with Jesus and His bride - the church. 
In Matthew 22:37-38, Jesus tells us that the first and greatest commandment is “to love the Lord God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.” We seek a lead pastor whose deep commitment to Christ is the source of their identity, both as an individual and as a Pastor of Jesus church. He will seek to follow the example set by Jesus in shepherding the church as a servant, with humility, and passion.

Prioritizes intimacy with the Father, His son Jesus and His Holy Spirit through prayer, worship and time spent in God’s Word.

Has a heart for the lost and a desire to help raise up disciples from all generations. 
We believe that the core of our mission is to follow the instructions Jesus gave at his ascension:“Go…Make…Baptize… Teach” (Matt. 28:19-20). Since this is our goal, it is essential that our lead pastor is passionate about connecting people in our community with the abundant life available through Jesus (John 10:10).

Is gifted as a communicator and who’s preaching is based on the Word of God. 
Our lead pastor should effectively teach Biblical principles, deliver the Word in deep and meaningful ways and cultivate a culture that grows believers - men, women, and children whose lives reflect a deep commitment and love for the Lord.

Is a team player and is willing to work alongside the elders to see God’s Kingdom advance in this place we call home. 

Is willing to lead with authenticity, courage, and integrity and who will invest in developing and empowering new volunteer leaders to do the same.

Can promote and help carry out the Mission and Vision of the church.

Understands that they are here for the people...the people aren't here for them. Understands the importance of engaging in people's lives.  Whether that is visitors, members or those who are in the hospital.  And, who loves to engage with the community in which we live. 
The second commandment given by Jesus in Matthew 22:39 is “to love your neighbor as yourself.” In John 13:34, Jesus reveals that this love should look like the very love he has lavished on us. Our lead pastor will help foster within the church a deep passion, love, and burden for all people, especially those in our community. And can help to provide vision and guidance for our worship experience.

Our website is currently under construction.  Send resume to Interim Pastor, Jerry Jones at [email protected] or call him at 571-499-3091 with questions or further details.

Kansas Christian Church